2019 Grayland Gang, l to r, Guy Atkins, Tom Rothlisberger, Brett Saylor, Chuck Hutton, Bill Whitacre, Bruce Portzer and Nick Hall-Patch. - Click for larger view.

Loggings from Casa Sea Esta [CSE] near Grayland, WA

September 6 - 11 , 2019 -- Perseus/HF+, 160' DKAZ at 280 deg

Summary stats | Detail | Map | Geomag

Click on the play button in the table below to hear sound samples corresponding to frequency-location/date-time matrix.

Mt. Rainier on landing in Seattle. - click for larger view.

TP DU Aus NZ Canada Hawaii Alaska LatAm US
Array ----> 160' DKAZ @ 280 deg.
9/7 9/8 9/9 9/10 9/11
Freq Call Location Dist
Az Slogan Format Notes 14 12 13 14 07 10 13 1330 14 0630 11 13 1330 14 05 07 11 12 13 1330 14
531 nz-531a Alexandra, New Zealand 7527.8 223.1 More FM "More hits all day everyday. More music, more variety, More FM" @ :15
japan-531 Morioka, Japan 4497.3 302.2 NHK1 [JOQG] NHK pips at TOH mix with Aussies
aus-531 Innisfail, Australia 7087.3 257.7 4KZ Sep 8 from Brett Saylor
aus-531a Kempsey, Australia 7448.5 243.2 2PM "Radio 531, part of the Super Radio Network"
aus-531b Dalwallinu, Australia 9056.4 267.1 6DL ABC ABC news theme @ TOH, mix with 4KZ
540 samoa-540 Samoa 5121.7 228.3
nz-540 New Zealand Rhema "Rhema News"
XESURF Tijuana, Mexico 1056.2 156.8 Spanish
japan-540 Yamagata, Japan 4591.8 301.5 NHK1 [JOJG] NHK pips at TOH and into news
aus-540 Longreach, Australia 7456.5 254.6 4QL ABC @ 1405 on Sep 11 'Weather for Queensland'
549 aus-549 Orange, Australia 7710.5 244.4 2CR - ABC New South Whales RA news theme, NSW wx
550 KTZN Anchorage, AK 1428.1 323.5 The Zone ESPN
KNUI Wailuku, HI 2552.1 236.4
558 korea-558 Pohang, Korea 5121 306.3 KBS2 [HLQH] Happy FM
fiji-558 Naulu, Fiji 5722.7 233.8 Radio Fiji One "Radio Fiji One"
aus-558 Wagin, Australia 9157.7 263.5 6WA ABC @ 1405 'Forecast for W A'
567 nz-567 Wellington, New Zealand 7134.8 222.7 Radio New Zealand RNZed news mix with AUS/Japan
japan-567 Sapporo, Japan 4324.1 304.9 NHK1 [JOIK] mix AUS
guam-567 Agana, Guam 5599.9 280.1 CBS news tones @ :14
aus-567 Julia Creek, Australia 7435.3 258.3 4JK ABC RA news theme, mix with Japan/NZ
570 KUAI Eleele, HI 2617.8 241.2 Hawaii's Country Country mix KVI
576 aus-576 Sydney, Australia 7666 242.2 ABC/Radio National RN maintenance apology message
585 aus-585 Hobart, Australia 8211.1 236.7 7RN ABC/RN
aus-585-2WEB Bourke, Australia 7696 248.3 2WEB "2WEB" @ :12
590 KSSK Honolulu, HI 2579.2 238.6
594 japan-594 Tokyo, Japan 4723.2 300.2 NHK1 [JOAK]
aus-594 Horsham, Australia 8154.8 245.1 3WV ABC Victoria Vict wx over Japan
603 nz-603 Auckland, New Zealand 6909.8 225.4 Radio Waatea Maori
korea-603 Hwaseong, Korea 5166.7 308.8 KBS 2R [HLSA] Happy FM jingle mix with AUS
china-603 Dongfang, China 6838 310.3 CRI CRI theme
aus-603 Nowra, Australia 7733.7 241.5 ABC/RN RN tx maintenance msg
612 japan-612 Fukuoka, Japan 5215.3 303.9 NHK1 [JOLK] mix with AUS
aus-612 Brisbane, Australia 7255.6 245.9 4QR - ABC Brisbane "weather for Queensland"
620 KGTL Homer, AK 1427.4 318.6
621 tuvalu-621 Funafuti, Tuvalu 5161.8 239 mix with AUS
aus-621 Melbourne, Australia 8094.8 242.7 3RN Radio National/RN RN maintenance apology message
630 aus-630 Townsville, Australia 7125.5 255.4 4QN ABC Queensland "weather for Queensland"
639 china-639 Beijing, China 5400.1 317 CNR-1 Voice of China CNR pips & Beijing time check in KFI splash
aus-639 Coffs Harbour, Australia 7409.3 243.6 2HC in mix
aus-639pp Port Pirie, Australia 8185.5 250.4 5CK
640 KYUK Bethel, AK 1782.7 316.6 'Everyone's public radio station'
648 aus-648 Tamworth, Australia 7521.7 244.8 ABC
650 KENI Anchorage, AK 1423.9 323.5 'This is a federally mandated station ID'
KPRP Honolulu, HI 2580.3 239 Pinoy Power Radio under CISL
657 nkorea-657 Pyongyang, North Korea 5124.3 310.6
nz-657 Wellington, New Zealand 7134.8 222.7 [Southern] Star mix with NKor
aus-657 Byrock, Australia 7702.6 247.6 2BY NSW wx
660 KFAR Fairbanks, AK 1521.3 333.2 'The heartbeat of Alaska' mix with KAPS
666 philippines-666 Valenzuela, Philippines 6590.6 298.3 DZRH @ 1405 in mix with Japan on offset 665.91, also hrd Feb 20, 2019
japan-666 Osaka, Japan 4960.8 301.5 NHK1 [JOBK]
aus-666 Canberra, Australia 7799.5 242.3 ABC mix Japan, RA news theme
670 KDLG Dillingham, AK 1635.8 313.7
KPUA Hilo, HI 2554.4 233.7
675 nz-675 Christchurch, New Zealand 7345 222.3 RNZ RNZed news mix with AUS
aus-675 Corowa, Australia 7947.2 243.3 2CO NSW wx mix RNZ relay BBC
684 japan-684 Morioka, Japan 4498.4 302.2 IBC Radio [JODF]
aus-684 Kempsey, Australia 7438.8 243.2 2KP ABC NSW wx
690 KHNR Honolulu, HI 2580.3 238.6 The Answer The Answer under CBU
693 japan-693 Tokyo, Japan 4723.2 300.2 NHK2 [JOAB]
aus-693 Melbourne, Australia 8105.3 242.8 3AW mix with Japan, '3AW Breakfast' @ :1337 thanks to Bruce Portzer
702 nz-702 Auckland, New Zealand 6909.5 225.4 Today FM/Magic/LiveSPORT/Humm FM in before any AUS stations
japan-702 Japan NHK2 mix with AUS
aus-702 Sydney, Australia 7666 242.2 2BL ABC mix with Japan, NSW wx
711 korea-711 Siheung, Korea 5157 308.9 KBS 1 [HLKA] over AUS
aus-711 Roma, Australia 7478.1 248.2 4QW ABC RA news theme mix with Korea
729 japan-729 Nagoya, Japan 4887.8 301.1 NHK1 [JOCK] mix with AUS
aus-729 Adelaide, Australia 8250.5 248.7 5RN ABC/RN
738 taiwan-738 Baisha, Taiwan 6161.7 304.8 Taiwan Fisheries [BEL2]
nz-738 Christchurch, New Zealand Magic 'on Magic' in mix with AUS & Taiwan
aus-738 Sydney, Australia 7358.2 244.2 2NR NSW wx
740 KCIK Kihei, HI 2551.9 236.4 Relevant Radio
747 japan-747 Sapporo, Japan 4323.3 304.9 NHK2 [JOIB] end Portuguese, into English
aus-747 Toowoomba, Australia 7321.8 247.1 4QS ABC hrd at 1412ut, mix Japan
750 KFQD Anchorage, AK 1436.1 323.8
756 nz-756 Auckland, New Zealand 6909.8 225.4 Radio New Zealand // 567
china-756 China CNR-1 mix with AUS
760 KGU Honolulu, HI 2580.3 238.6 Country Honalulu's Real Country
765 china-765 China Guizhou zonghe guangbo unID station in Mandarin
aus-765 Port Lincoln, Australia 8315.8 250.8 5 double C
770 KCHU Valdez, AK 1324.6 326.3 NPR/BBC mix with KTTH
774 japan-774 Akita, Japan 4530.3 303.1 NHK2 [JOUB] mix AUS
aus-774 Melbourne, Australia 8094.8 242.7 3LO - ABC
780 KNOM Nome, AK 1961.5 323.4 weather mix with KKOH
783 aus-783 Alice Springs, Australia 8AL weak RA news theme on 1/2 hour
792 nz-792 New Zealand 6930.2 224.4 Radio Sport/Gold Sport ID & promo under AUS
aus-792 Brisbane, Australia 7255.6 245.9 4RN
800 KINY Juneau, AK 903.4 335.4 in mix
801 guam-801 Asan, Guam 5599.1 280.1 KTWG
aus-801-5RM Renmark, Australia 8118.7 248.2 5RM 'Classic Hits, 5RM' @ :19
aus-801c Cairnes, Australia 4QY ABC ABC news theme
810 nz-810 Dunedin, New Zealand 7525.4 222 Radio New Zealand mix with AUS, into BBC relay
aus-810 Bega, Australia 7839.5 240.7 2BA ABC RA news theme mix with KGO
819 nkorea-819 Pyongyang, North Korea 5106.8 310.7 angry Koreal talk with 820 splash
aus-819 Glen Innes, Australia 8019.2 241 2GL ABC ABC news theme in 820 splash
828 japan-828 Osaka, Japan 4960.6 301.5 NHK2 [JOBB]
aus-828 Sale, Australia 8019.2 241 3GI ABC ABC Radio Gippsland ID @ :16, mix with NHK
830 KSDP Sand Point, AK 1662.7 304.2 hrd @ 1000utc
KHVH Honolulu, HI 2579.2 238.6 Fox News
837 philippines-837b General Santos City, Philippines DXRE religious female religious talk mention Ave Maria
nz-837 New Zealand Radio New Zealand "RNZed news at 2", mix AUS
aus-837 Rockhampton, Australia 7178.4 250.4 4RK ABC mix RNZ
846 philippines-846 Malalos, Philippines 6589.1 298.4 Veritas 846, Catholic Media Network offset = 846.1, commercials & ID @ :54 from Brett Saylor
kiribati-846 Kiribati 3687.5 223.2
japan-846 Koriyama, Japan 4633.1 300.8 NHK1 [JOCP] actually had at 12ut near TOH
aus-846 Canberra, Australia 7799.5 242.3 2RN ABC - RN
850 KICY Nome, AK 1962 323.4 Russian program
855 nkor-855 Sangwan, North Korea strident Kor tlk
korea-855 Jeonju, Korea 5224.4 307.7 MBC actually had @ 12ut TOH
aus-855 Australia 7244.9 248.5 ABC
864 japan-864 Naha, Japan 5700.7 300.7 Radio Okinawa [JOXR]
873 japan-873 Kumamoto, Japan 5231.2 303.2 NHK2 [JOGB] mix with AUS
aus-873 Sydney, Australia 7652.1 242.2 2GB // 1026, mentions of 2GB, mix Japan
882 aus-882 Brisbane, Australia 7257.5 245.7 4BH > 4BC TalkSport
890 KBBI Homer, AK 1421.1 318.7
891 aus-891 Adelaide, Australia 8250.4 248.7 5AN - ABC commercial & 'powered by TAB' iD, mix with presumed 5AN
900 KMVI Kahului, HI 2547.4 236.5 ESPN Maui
909 nz-909 Napier, New Zealand 7005 222.3 Southern STAR Star news
918 aus-918 Cooma, Australia 7845.5 241.5 2XL Capital Radio Network
927 aus-927z Gladstone, Australia 7163.7 249.6 Zinc, 4-double-C
930 KTKN Ketchikan, AK 673.8 333.9
936 nz-936 Waiuku, New Zealand 6909.5 225.4 Mandarin
aus-936 Brisbane, Australia 7255.8 245.9 4PB - ABC Newsradio ABC News Radio
940 KKNE Waipahu, HI 2580.3 239 AM 940 Hawaii Hawaiian music
945 china-945 Jiaohe, China 4828.3 313 CNR1
954 nz-954 Hamilton, New Zealand 6936.9 224.4 Radio Trackside in mix
aus-954 Sydney, Australia 7654.4 242.2 2UE Macquarie Sport Radio carrying TalkSport UK
963 korea-963 Korea man in Korean in mix
china-963 Huadian, China 4876.6 313.1 CRI CRI into Russian, mix with others
aus-963 Warwick, Australia 7335.4 246.1 4WK ID & weather & 'super radio network'
972 korea-972 Dangjin, Korea 5185.6 308.7 KBS Hanminjok 1R
981 aus-981 Muswellbrook, Australia 7590.1 243.6 2NM
aus-981a Hamilton, Australia 8210.3 244.3 3HA Melbourne temp + news
990 KIKI Honolulu, HI 2579.2 238.6 Fox Sports
999 philippines-999 Cebu City, Philippines 6704 293.2 DYSS, Super Radio
1008 aus-1008 Brisbane, Australia 7249.6 245.7 TAB
1017 tonga-1017 Tonga 5668.9 227.1
aus-1017 Sydney, Australia 7653.7 242.2 Racing Radio horse racing what to bet on at the track
1020 KVNT Eagle River, AK 1434.1 324.3
1026 nz-1026 New Zealand Newstalk Zed Bee echo and mix with AUS
aus-1026a Mackay, Australia 7119.8 252.9 4MK 4MK ID
1035 nz-1035 Wellington, New Zealand 7134.5 222.6 Newstalk Zed Bee
1040 KLHT Honolulu, HI 2579.3 238.7 religious
1044 china-1044 Changzhou, China 5702.9 309.4 CRI Japanese mix with NZ
1053 nz-1053 New Plymouth, New Zealand 7045.7 224.4 Newstalk Zed Bee Newtalk ZedBee News, mix Japan
japan-1053 Nagoya, Japan 4890.2 301.1 CBC Chubu-Nippon [JOAR]
1062 korea-1062 Cheongju, Korea 5167.5 308 KBS 1 Radio Cheongju [HLKQ]
aus-1062 Torres Strait/Thursday Island, Australia 6923.2 265.4 4TI - ABC Local Radio Queensland ABC Queensland wx in mix
1071 nz-1071 Ashburton, New Zealand 7380.9 222.7 Radio Trackside
japan-1071 Hiroshima, Japan 5090.2 303.3 NHK-1 Hiroshima [JOFK] mix AUS
1080 nz-1080 Auckland, New Zealand 6909.5 225.4 Newstalk Zed Bee mix with KFXX
1098 nz-1098 Christchurch, New Zealand 7330.9 222.4 Newstalk Zed Bee
1107 nz-1107 Tauranga, New Zealand 6901.1 223.8 Magic Talk/Today FM/Spice Radio Magic
aus-1107 Sydney, Australia 7653.2 242.2 2EA SBS relay an ABC program
1110 KAGV Big Lake, AK 1440.6 324.6 hrd @ 0630utc
KAOI Kihei, HI 2549.7 236.4 mix KBND
1116 aus-1116 Brisbane, Australia 7254.8 245.8 4BH
1125 taiwan-1125 Huwei, Taiwan Cheng Sheng BC hrd @ 1353utc, thanks to Bruce Portzer for ID
1134 korea-1134 Hwaseong, Korea 5167.6 308.8 KBS 3 Radio Seoul [HLKC] full mix with Japan
japan-1134 Tokyo, Japan 4729.5 299.9 Nippon Cultural [JOQR]
aus-1134 Armidale, Australia 7473.6 244.4 2AD/New England Radio SuperNet news
1140 KSLD Soldotna, AK 1436.8 321.1
1143 taiwan-1143 Penghu, Taiwan 6162 304.8 Taiwan Fisheries BEL3
1152 aus-1152 Busselton, Australia 9258.2 264.4 6PB - ABC News Radio ABC News Radio, BBC relay
1161 taiwan-1161 Yilan, Taiwan 6015.6 303.9 BCC Country
aus-1161t Fingal, Australia 8142.4 237.6 ABC Northern Tasmania "Tasmania weather" @ :24
1170 KJNP North Pole, AK 1515.4 333.2
korea-1170 Gimje, Korea 5236 307.7 KBS Hanminjok 2R [HLSR] in Mandarin, mix with KPUG
1179 nz-1179 Auckland, New Zealand 6909.5 225.4 Radio Ake Maori 1179 ID
china-1179 Wuhan, China 5988.5 312.8 Hubei Information Radio
1188 japan-1188 Kitami, Japan 4181.3 304.3 NHK-1 Kitami [JOKP]
1206 china-1206 Yanji, China 4783.1 311.3 Yanbian RGD Korean News
1215 china-1215 Zhuhai, China 6460 308.5 Voice of Huaxia
1224 nz-1224 Invercargill, New Zealand 7620.4 222.7 SENZ ex-TAB
japan-1224 Kanazawa, Japan 4823.2 302.3 NHK1 Kanazawa [JOLK]
1230 KIFW Sitka, AK 852.8 330.3 'The sound of Sitka'
1233 aus-1233 Newcastle, Australia 7579.4 242.7 2NC - ABC Newcastle
1242 japan-1242 Tokyo, Japan 4740.1 299.4 NBS Nippon [JOLF]
aus-1242 Sale, Australia 8016.4 241.2 3GV 'Gippsland's Gold' ID & mentions of Victoria in commercials
1251 nz-1251 Auckland, New Zealand 6909.5 225.4 Rhema Radio
1269 aus-1269 Busselton, Australia 9258.2 264.4 6RN - ABC ABC news
1270 KNDI Honolulu, HI 2579.4 238.7 Hawaiian language mix with KBAM
1287 nz-1287 Westport, New Zealand 7279.8 224.3 Newstalk Zed Bee Newtalk ZB mix with AUS
japan-1287 Sapporo, Japan 4324.4 304.9 HBC Hokkaido Hoso [JOHR]
1296 nz-1296 Hamilton, New Zealand 6930.2 224.4 Newstalk Zed Bee
aus-1296 Wagin, Australia 9157.7 263.5 6RN - ABC RN
1305 china-1305 Jinan, China 5534.8 314.6 Jinan Literature Radio
1314 aus-1314 Wollongong, Australia 7693.6 241.8 Sky Racing Radio, ex-Racing Radio mix Japan
1323 china-1323 Shuangyashan, China 4538.4 313.3 CRI Russian
aus-1323 Adelaide, Australia 8235.8 248.8 5DN - Cruise 1323 hrd @ 1336utc, Cruise 1323 ID @ :13
1330 KXXJ Juneau, AK 903.4 335.4 mix with domestic
1332 nz-1332 Auckland, New Zealand 6909.8 225.4 Gold AM/Gold Sport mix Japan
japan-1332 Nagoya, Japan 4881.3 301.2 Tokai Radio [JOSF] mix Radio Sport, NZ
aus-1332 Bundaberg, Australia 8043.4 245.4 4BU mix with Japan
1341 aus-1341 Newcastle, Australia 7582.8 242.6 racing call
aus-1341c Geelong, Australia 8128.3 242.5
1350 japan-1350 Hiroshima, Japan 5102.2 303.2 RCC Chugoku Hoso [JOER] mix domestics
1359 nz-1359 New Plymouth, New Zealand 7045.7 224.4 Coast
1377 nz-1377 Levin, New Zealand 7111.3 222.7 Radio Sport
1386 nz-1386 Auckland, New Zealand 6988.3 223.4 Radio Tarana South Asian South Asian language
japan-1386 Kagoshima, Japan NHK2 hrd @ 1323utc
1395 china-1395 Hefei, China 5788 311.5 Anhui Story Radio
aus-1395 Adelaide, Australia 8231.5 248.9 5AA
1413 aus-1413 Newcastle, Australia 7580.3 242.6 2EA/SBS Radio BBC relay in domestic splash
1420 KKEA Honolulu, HI 2579.4 238.7 ESPN 1420 ESPN mix KITI
1422 japan-1422 Yokohama, Japan 4744.8 299.7 Radio Nippon [JORF]
1431 aus-1431 Australia 7694.6 241.8 2RN ABC/RN
1440 kiribati-1440 Kiribati 4892.7 250.4
japan-1440 Sapporo, Japan 4327.3 305 STV Radio [JOWF] hrd 1255utc in mix with KMED
1450 KONP Port Angeles, WA 96.5 18.5
1458 nz-1458 Westport, New Zealand 7279.8 224.3 RNZ
1476 nz-1476 Auckland, New Zealand 6909.5 225.4 Radio Trackside/SENZ
japan-1476 Iida, Japan NHK2 [JOSD] NHK pips and into English lesson
aus-1476 Roma, Australia 7402.8 249.2 4ZR Triple M Radio Network
1494 nz-1494 Hamilton, New Zealand 6930.2 224.4 [Southern] Star
1500 KHKA Honolulu, HI 2579.3 238.7
1503 nz-1503 Wellington, New Zealand 7140.9 222.6 Gold Sport
japan-1503 Akita, Japan 4532.6 302.9 NHK1 [JOUK] in mix with Radio Sport
1512 aus-1512 Newcastle, Australia 7579.2 242.7 2RN - ABC/RN
1530 aus-1530 Moree, Australia 7496.3 246.3 2VM way under KFBK, // 1557, mention New South Wales @ :23
1539 aus-1539 Adelaide, Australia 5706.4 192 TAB racing results
aus-1539a Sydney, Australia Rete Italia hrd @ 1348utc thanks to Bruce Portzer
1540 KREA Honalulu, HI 2579.4 238.7 Radio Korea
1548 aus-1548 Emerald, Australia 7282.1 251.9 4QD - ABC Queensland
1557 taiwan-1557 Kouhu Twp., Taiwan 6144.2 304.3 RTI
aus-1557 Taree, Australia 7503.6 242.8 2RE mix Taiwan, 'super network news' @ :18
1566 korea-1566 Jeju, Korea 5374.6 306.5 FEBC [HLAZ] Korea in serious mix with China
aus-1566 Wangaratta, Australia 7965.2 243 3NE
1570 KUAU Haiku, HI 2538.4 236.3
1575 thailand-1575 Rasom, Thailand 7376.4 314.5 VOA KHME @ 1338utc
1593 china-1593 Changzhou, China 5702.8 309.4 CNR-1 Voice of China
1602 japan-1602 Japan NHK2
aus-1602 Australia ABC RA news theme mix with Japan
1610 tis-1610gh Aberdeen, WA Grays Harbor bar forecast
1611 aus-1611-cvi Australia 8094.8 242.7 religious
1629 aus-1629-hot-country Dalby, Australia 7322.2 247.1 Hot Country country 'All your favorite country songs on Hot Country' @ 1344utc
1647 aus-1647 Mackay, Australia 7810.9 242.2 Christian Vision hrd @ 1351utc
1656 aus-1656 Brisbane, Australia 7269.5 245.8 Mandarin mix with CVI
aus-1656-hindi Melbourne, Australia Radio Rhythm Hindi/English ID @ 1335utc // 1665kHz
aus-1656v Bundaberg, Australia 7168.3 248.1 Christian Vision religious talk
1665 aus-1665-rhythym Suffolk Park, Australia Radio Rhythm ID hrd @ 1335utc // 1656kHz
1674 aus-1674 Australia Radio Haaji South Asian
1683 aus-1683 Australia 7653.4 242.1 Greek on 1683.3
1692 aus-1692 Wedderburn, Australia Radio Symban hrd 1338utc not // 1665 Rhythym
1701 aus-1701-arabic Melbourne, Australia 8084.7 242.7 Arabic hrd @ 1333utc Sep7 with English ad for MCCA offset 1701.1