A 'native' waiting for spring.

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Loggings from Casa Sea Esta [CSE] near Grayland, WA

February 27 - March 6, 2023 -- Perseus/JAGUAR, 160' DKAZ at ~295 deg -- sunrise ~1440utc

Summary stats | Detail | Map | Geomag

Click on the play button in the table below to hear sound samples corresponding to frequency-location/date-time matrix.

Some sun on the beach.

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TP DU Aus NZ Canada Hawaii Alaska LatAm US
Array ----> 160' DKAZ @ ~295 deg.
Freq Call Location Dist
Az Slogan Format Time heard/Notes 2/27 2/28 3/1 3/2 3/3 3/4 3/5 3/6
540 samoa-540 Samoa 5121.7 228.3 0901utc - yes, her phone ringing in background
XESURF Tijuana, Mexico 1056.2 156.8 Spanish 0559itc
549 aus-549 Orange, Australia 7710.5 244.4 2CR - ABC New South Whales 'ABC Radio weather update' @ 1405utc
550 KNUI Wailuku, HI 2552.1 236.4 K-country ID @ 1202utc
558 fiji-558 Naulu, Fiji 5722.7 233.8 Radio Fiji One 'Radio Fiji One' ID @ :13 @ 0902utc
aus-558 Wagin, Australia 9157.7 263.5 6WA ABC ABC news @ 1402utc
567 nz-567 Wellington, New Zealand 7134.8 222.7 Radio New Zealand RNZed news @ 1159utc, mix with AUS
aus-567 Julia Creek, Australia 7435.3 258.3 4JK ABC ABC Queensland @ 1225utc
570 KUAI Eleele, HI 2617.8 241.2 Hawaii's Country Country 1200utc
585 aus-585 Bourke, Australia 8211.1 236.7 2WEB commercial for Bryan's Empire Hotel, ID, weather @ 1204utc
590 KSSK Honolulu, HI 2579.2 238.6 1202utc
594 japan-594 Tokyo, Japan 4723.2 300.2 NHK1 [JOAK] 1334utc
aus-594 Horsham, Australia 8154.8 245.1 3WV ABC Victoria weather @ 1405utc
612 aus-612 Brisbane, Australia 7255.6 245.9 4QR - ABC Brisbane 1304utc
621 tuvalu-621 Funafuti, Tuvalu 5161.8 239 0858utc
nz-621 New Zealand Rhema 1332utc
aus-621 Melbourne, Australia 8094.8 242.7 3RN Radio National/RN ABC news theme @ 1400utc
630 nz-630 Napier, New Zealand 7005 222.3 Radio New Zealand pips & RNZed news under KCIS @ 1000utc
aus-630 Townsville, Australia 7125.5 255.4 4QN ABC Queensland 1504utc on 2nd, 0904utc on 1st
650 KENI Anchorage, AK 1423.9 323.5 weather in mix with KSTE @ 1100utc
657 nz-657 Wellington, New Zealand 7134.8 222.7 [Southern] Star 1400utc in mix with AUS on 2nd, all alone @ 1200utc on 28th
aus-657 Byrock, Australia 7702.6 247.6 2BY ABC news theme @ 1500utc
670 KPUA Hilo, HI 2554.4 233.7 1200utc
675 nz-675 Christchurch, New Zealand 7345 222.3 RNZ RNZ time pips & news @ 0900utc
684 aus-684 Kempsey, Australia 7438.8 243.2 2KP ABC // 1548, ID presumed @ 1426utc
690 KHNR Honolulu, HI 2580.3 238.6 The Answer 'The Answer', ID and SRN news under CBU @ 1100utc
693 japan-693 Tokyo, Japan 4723.2 300.2 NHK2 [JOAB] Portuguese @ 0905utc
702 nz-702 Auckland, New Zealand 6909.5 225.4 Today FM/Magic/LiveSPORT/Humm FM 1159utc
aus-702 Sydney, Australia 7666 242.2 2BL ABC ABC news theme @ 1400utc on 4th, ABC Radio Sydney after weather on 2nd
711 aus-711 Roma, Australia 7478.1 248.2 4QW ABC // 1548 @ 1123utc
729 aus-729 Adelaide, Australia 8250.5 248.7 5RN ABC/RN ABC news theme @ 1229utc
738 aus-738 Sydney, Australia 7358.2 244.2 2NR 1304utc
740 KCIK Kihei, HI 2551.9 236.4 Relevant Radio 1100utc
747 japan-747 Sapporo, Japan 4323.3 304.9 NHK2 [JOIB] 1326utc
aus-747 Toowoomba, Australia 7321.8 247.1 4QS ABC 1152utc, // 1548
750 KOAL Price, UT 834 122 mix with Portland @ 1330utc
756 nz-756 Auckland, New Zealand 6909.8 225.4 Radio New Zealand sports @ 1402utc
760 KGU Honolulu, HI 2580.3 238.6 Country 1100utc
774 japan-774 Akita, Japan 4530.3 303.1 NHK2 [JOUB] 1330utc
aus-774 Melbourne, Australia 8094.8 242.7 3LO - ABC 1305utc
792 nz-792 New Zealand 6930.2 224.4 Radio Sport/Gold Sport Gold Sport ID @ :06 @ 0800utc
aus-792 Brisbane, Australia 7255.6 245.9 4RN 1304utc
800 KINY Juneau, AK 903.4 335.4 1400utc
801 guam-801 Asan, Guam 5599.1 280.1 KTWG religious talk & splash from 800 @ 1231utc
819 nz-819 Tauranga, New Zealand 6903.6 223.7 Radio New Zealand 'RNZed news' @ 1100utc in horrid splash from 820
aus-819 Glen Innes, Australia 8019.2 241 2GL ABC presumed the one here with splash from 820 @ 1200utc
828 aus-828 Sale, Australia 8019.2 241 3GI ABC 1305utc
830 KHVH Honolulu, HI 2579.2 238.6 Fox News 1100utc
837 nz-837 New Zealand Radio New Zealand TOH pips and into RNZed news @ 1259utc
846 philippines-846 Malalos, Philippines 6589.1 298.4 Veritas 846, Catholic Media Network 1337utc
kiribati-846 Kiribati 3687.5 223.2 0630utc on 6th, 0659utc on 1st
japan-846 Koriyama, Japan 4633.1 300.8 NHK1 [JOCP] 0906utc
aus-846 Canberra, Australia 7799.5 242.3 2RN ABC - RN RN @ 1359utc on 3rd, 1304utc on 2nd
850 KHLO Hilo, HI 2557.8 233.5 1200utc
855 aus-855 Australia 7244.9 248.5 4QO/4QD ABC 'weather for Queensland' and offset = 854.9974 >> 4QO @ 1204utc
aus-855c Melbourne, Australia 8105.5 242.6 3CR - Community Radio Melbourne '3CR' @ :33 @ 1301utc
864 japan-864 Naha, Japan 5700.7 300.7 Radio Okinawa [JOXR] 1329utc
aus-864g Toowoomba, Australia 7317.6 246.4 4GR - Triple M 1151utc now Triple M
873 japan-873 Kumamoto, Japan 5231.2 303.2 NHK2 [JOGB] 1330utc
aus-873 Sydney, Australia 7652.1 242.2 2GB 2GB ID @ :10 @ 1206utc
880 KHCM Honalulu, HI 2580.3 238.6 Korean Korean ID @ 1200utc
882 nz-882 Auckland, New Zealand 6909.8 225.4 (Southern) Star 1008utc
aus-882 Brisbane, Australia 7257.5 245.7 4BH > 4BC 1133utc
890 KDXU St. George, UT 863.1 137.4 1400utc
CJDC Dawson Creek, BC 642.1 13.6 1400utc
891 japan-891 Sendai, Japan 4967.9 301.5 NHK1 [JOHK] 1031utc
aus-891 Adelaide, Australia 8250.4 248.7 5AN - ABC ABC news @ 1429utc
aus-891t Townsville, Australia 7129.4 255.7 4TAB horse racing 1435utc
900 KMVI Kahului, HI 2547.4 236.5 ESPN Maui 1300utc
png-900 Papua New Guinea 6551.2 266.2 possibly 2 outlets conch shell :03, 'NBC news' @ :12 @ 1000utc
aus-900l Lismore, Australia 7312.1 244.6 2LM ID under KMVI commercial @ :09 @ 1400utc
909 nz-909 Napier, New Zealand 7005 222.3 Southern STAR 1058utc
927 aus-927z Gladstone, Australia 7163.7 249.6 Zinc, 4-double-C iHeart Radio/4CC @ 1152utc
930 KTKN Ketchikan, AK 673.8 333.9 0600utc
936 aus-936 Brisbane, Australia 7255.8 245.9 4PB - ABC Newsradio relay BBC WS then into ABC news @ 1400utc
945 japan-945 Tokushima, Japan 5024.4 301.7 NHK1 1345utc
954 japan-954 Tokyo, Japan 4734.4 300 TBS Radio [JOKR] 1336utc
963 nz-963 Christchurch, New Zealand 7345 222.3 [Southern] STAR 0933utc
aus-963 Warwick, Australia 7335.4 246.1 4WK commercials @ 1442utc, thanks Tony Magon for ID
972 korea-972 Dangjin, Korea 5185.6 308.7 KBS Hanminjok 1R 1459utc
aus-972 Adelaide, Australia 8236.7 248.9 ABC Newsradio relay BBC WS and ABC news theme @ 1459utc
981 aus-981 Muswellbrook, Australia 7590.1 243.6 2NM iHeart Radio and '2NM' @ :25 @ 1318utc
990 KIKI Honolulu, HI 2579.2 238.6 Fox Sports 1100utc
fiji-990 Naulu, Fiji 5722.7 233.8 Gold FM 'Fiji Gold' @ :13 @ 1209utc, mix with domestics
999 philippines-999 Cebu City, Philippines 6704 293.2 DYSS, Super Radio ID presumed @ 1346utc
1008 japan-1008 Osaka, Japan 4967.9 301.5 ABC Asahi Hoso [JONB] ABC IDs @ 1348utc
aus-1008 Brisbane, Australia 7249.6 245.7 TAB 1134utc
1017 tonga-1017 Tonga 5668.9 227.1 English news @ 0705utc on 27th, sports & weather @ 0724utc on 1st, offset 1017.0002
1026 nz-1026 New Zealand Newstalk Zed Bee commercials @ 0757utc
aus-1026 Melbourne, Australia 8082 242.5 3PB - ABC Newsradio ABC news theme @ 1200utc
aus-1026a Mackay, Australia 7119.8 252.9 4MK 1200utc
1035 solomon-1035 Honiara, Solomon Islands 6037.4 253.2 0921utc // 5020
nz-1035 Wellington, New Zealand 7134.5 222.6 Newstalk Zed Bee ID @ :10 @ 0800utc
1040 KLHT Honolulu, HI 2579.3 238.7 religious 1200utc
1053 japan-1053 Nagoya, Japan 4890.2 301.1 CBC Chubu-Nippon [JOAR] 0944utc on 2nd, 0911utc on 27th
1062 aus-1062 Torres Strait/Thursday Island, Australia 6923.2 265.4 4TI - ABC Local Radio Queensland ABC ABC Queensland @ 1005utc
1071 aus-1071 Maryborough, Australia 8105.9 243.9 3EL/Easymix 1071/Gold promo for Robbo's $5000 to pay your bills - thanks Andrew Brade for ID @ 1223utc
1080 nz-1080 Auckland, New Zealand 6909.5 225.4 Newstalk Zed Bee 1100utc
1089 japan-1089 Sendai, Japan 4568.4 301.2 NHK2 [JOHB] SEA language lesson 1337utc
1098 nz-1098 Christchurch, New Zealand 7330.9 222.4 Newstalk Zed Bee 1000utc
aus-1098 Longreach, Australia 7456.8 254.6 4LG 4LG ID @ :10 @ 1505utc
1107 korea-1107 Pohang, Korea 5121.4 306.3 MBC Pohang [HLAV] 1022utc
1110 KAOI Kihei, HI 2549.7 236.4 1100utc
1116 aus-1116 Brisbane, Australia 7254.8 245.8 4BH 4BH & 'the code' @ 1430utc on 4th, 0908utc on 1st
1125 vanuatu-1125 Port Villa, Vanuatu 6112.1 241.7 Radio Vanuatu flute IS @ :05 @ 0713utc exact match with interval signal.net
japan-1125 Obihiro, Japan 4266 303.9 NHK2 [JOOC] SEA language lesson @ 1335utc
aus-1125a Canberra, Australia 7799.3 242.3 1RPH history of Marvin Gaye, Motown and 'Heard It Through the Grapevine' @ 1027utc
1130 KQRR Oregon City, OR Russian presumed the one in Russian under CKWX @ 1231utc
1134 japan-1134 Tokyo, Japan 4729.5 299.9 Nippon Cultural [JOQR] 1000utc on 2nd, 1329utc on 27th
1143 nz-1143 Hamilton, New Zealand 6930.2 224.4 RNZ // 567 @ 0819utc
1152 aus-1152 Busselton, Australia 9258.2 264.4 6PB - ABC News Radio relay BBC WS @ 1429utc
1161 nz-1161 Wellington, New Zealand 7134.9 222.6 2XM Maori 1400utc
aus-1161 Maryborough, Australia 7177.2 247.4 4FC TAB calling a race @ 1105utc
aus-1161a Naracoorte, Australia 8236 245.8 5PA - ABC weak ABC news theme @ 1430utc
1179 nz-1179 Auckland, New Zealand 6909.5 225.4 Radio Ake Maori singing 'eleven seventy nine' jingle @ 1000utc
japan-1179 Osaka, Japan 4967.4 301.5 MBS Radio [JOOR] splashy @ 1001utc
aus-1179 Melbourne, Australia 8082 242.5 3RPH - Vision Australia Radio soliciting contributions @ 1201utc
1188 japan-1188 Kitami, Japan 4181.3 304.3 NHK-1 Kitami [JOKP] 0821utc
aus-1188 Exmouth, Australia 8799.6 277.2 6XM - ABC // 1548 @ 1223utc with Dire Straits 'Walk of Life'
aus-1188i Inverell, Australia 7452.6 245.2 2NZ commercial for IT firm @ 1320utc during KEX EBS test
1210 KZOO Honolulu, HI 2580.3 238.6 Japanese 1000utc
1215 nz-1215 Kaikohe, New Zealand 6854.2 226.9 Newstalk Zed Bee commercials @ 0958utc - at least one also heard on 1026
aus-1215abc Northam, Australia 9108.9 265.6 6NM - ABC ABC news theme @ 1200utc
1224 nz-1224 Invercargill, New Zealand 7620.4 222.7 SENZ ex-TAB sports results @ 1100utc
1233 aus-1233 Newcastle, Australia 7579.4 242.7 2NC - ABC Newcastle ABC news theme @ 1500utc
1240 KEWE Kahului, HI 2549.7 236.4 The Spirit of Hawaii 1117utc
1242 japan-1242 Tokyo, Japan 4740.1 299.4 NBS Nippon [JOLF] 0800utc
1251 nz-1251 Auckland, New Zealand 6909.5 225.4 Rhema Radio 1201utc
1269 aus-1269 Busselton, Australia 9258.2 264.4 6RN - ABC ABC news theme @ 1300utc
1270 KNDI Honolulu, HI 2579.4 238.7 Hawaiian language 1002utc
1278 aus-1278 Melbourne, Australia 8082.2 242.5 3EE - Magic 1278 ID @ :10 @ 1323utc
1287 nz-1287 Westport, New Zealand 7279.8 224.3 Newstalk Zed Bee // 1215 @ 1036utc
japan-1287 Sapporo, Japan 4324.4 304.9 HBC Hokkaido Hoso [JOHR] 0942utc
1296 taiwan-1296 Tainan, Taiwan 6167.8 304.1 BCC News Network 1421utc, thanks Chris Kadlec for ID
nz-1296 Hamilton, New Zealand 6930.2 224.4 Newstalk Zed Bee commercials @ 1104utc
aus-1296 Wagin, Australia 9157.7 263.5 6RN - ABC RN RA news theme @ 1200utc
aus-1296rr Brisbane, Australia 7258.5 245.7 4RPH - Reading Radio promo for 'Grace to You' program carried on Reading Radio, mix with NZ, ID @ 1:04 @ 1057utc
1305 aus-1305 Renmark, Australia 8121.6 248.1 5RN - ABC ABC news theme @ 1030utc
1314 philippines-1314 Novalete, Philippines 6609.2 298.1 DWXI 1343utc
aus-1314 Wollongong, Australia 7693.6 241.8 Sky Racing Radio, ex-Racing Radio racing call @ 1113utc
1323 aus-1323 Adelaide, Australia 8235.8 248.8 5DN - Cruise 1323 1053utc
1332 japan-1332 Nagoya, Japan 4881.3 301.2 Tokai Radio [JOSF] 0824utc on 2nd, 1331utc on 27th
aus-1332 Bundaberg, Australia 8043.4 245.4 4BU ID @ :12 @ 1503utc
aus-1332a Swan Hill, Australia 8043.4 245.4 3SH - Classic Hits commercials Swan Hill businesses @ 1434utc
1341 aus-1341 Newcastle, Australia 7582.8 242.6 race call @ 1011utc
1368 nz-1368 Napier-Hastings, New Zealand 6995.1 222.3 Today FM/Breeze, ex-LiveSPORT Breeze nework and Today FM IDs @ 1002utc
1386 nz-1386 Auckland, New Zealand 6988.3 223.4 Radio Tarana South Asian 1312utc
japan-1386 Kagoshima, Japan NHK2 1430utc
1395 china-1395 Hefei, China 5788 311.5 Anhui Story Radio 1430utc
1413 aus-1413 Newcastle, Australia 7580.3 242.6 2EA/SBS Radio SBS Korean @ 1037utc
1420 KKEA Honolulu, HI 2579.4 238.7 ESPN 1420 ESPN 1000utc
1422 japan-1422 Yokohama, Japan 4744.8 299.7 Radio Nippon [JORF] 1421utc
aus-1422 Melbourne, Australia 8100.7 242.7 Radio Hellas Greek 1011utc
aus-1422am Port Douglas, Australia 4AM ID @ :12 @ 1104utc
1431 aus-1431 Australia 7694.6 241.8 2RN ABC/RN ABC news theme @ 1000utc
1440 kiribati-1440 Kiribati 4892.7 250.4 1040utc, ragged sounding tx on offset 1439.9895
1449 nz-1449 Palmerston, New Zealand 7070.3 222.7 RNZ // 567 @ 1004utc
1458 nz-1458 Westport, New Zealand 7279.8 224.3 RNZ // 567 @ 0958utc
aus-1458 Newcastle, Australia 7579.3 242.7 2PB - ABC Newsradio mix RNZ pips & ABC news theme @ 1000utc
1467 aus-1467 Mildura, Australia 5705.9 194.9 3ML - River 1467, ex-Easymix 1031utc
1476 nz-1476 Auckland, New Zealand 6909.5 225.4 Radio Trackside/SENZ commercial for Auckland Co-op Taxi @ 1000utc
1494 nz-1494 Hamilton, New Zealand 6930.2 224.4 [Southern] Star // 963 @ 1004utc
1500 KHKA Honolulu, HI 2579.3 238.7 1200utc
1503 nz-1503 Wellington, New Zealand 7140.9 222.6 Gold Sport 1147utc on 1st with echo from 2 outlets, 'Gold Sport 1503' @ 1340utc on 2nd
japan-1503 Akita, Japan 4532.6 302.9 NHK1 [JOUK] 0834utc
1512 aus-1512 Newcastle, Australia 7579.2 242.7 2RN - ABC/RN RN @ 1204utc
1521 aus-1521 Deniliquin, Australia 2QN weather @ 1006utc
1539 aus-1539 Adelaide, Australia 5706.4 192 TAB 1049utc
1540 KREA Honalulu, HI 2579.4 238.7 Radio Korea mix with KXPA @ 0900utc
1548 aus-1548 Emerald, Australia 7282.1 251.9 4QD - ABC Queensland 1505utc
1557 taiwan-1557 Kouhu Twp., Taiwan 6144.2 304.3 RTI mix with presumed China @ 1421utc
1566 korea-1566 Jeju, Korea 5374.6 306.5 FEBC [HLAZ] 0831utc
aus-1566 Wangaratta, Australia 7965.2 243 3NE commercials @ 1204utc
1570 KUAU Haiku, HI 2538.4 236.3 1200utc
1575 thailand-1575 Rasom, Thailand 7376.4 314.5 1426utc, mix with FEN Japan
japan-1575 Japan AFN end ABC news @ 1422utc
1584 palau-1584 Koror, Palau 6383.3 283.4 T8AA constant island music @ 1151utc
1593 nz-1593 Auckland, New Zealand 6907.4 225.2 Radio Samoa 1059utc
japan-1593 Matsue, Japan 5032.6 303.8 NHK2 [JOTB] English lesson @ 1430utc
china-1593 Changzhou, China 5702.8 309.4 CNR-1 Voice of China 1400utc
1629 aus-1629-hot-country Dalby, Australia 7322.2 247.1 Hot Country country 1056utc, offset 1628.9172
1656 aus-1656v Bundaberg, Australia 7168.3 248.1 Christian Vision 1441utc